
We believe that it is important for every child to attend school in full uniform and with a minimum of jewellery. A clean, smart appearance and the wearing of uniform have a number of advantages:
- Children associate their uniforms with settled behaviour and work;
- All children look and are treated as equals;
- Uniform limits the influence of fashion and status;
- Wearing uniform helps children to take pride in their school;
- Our children are easily identified for security reasons;
- Other clothes are kept good for life outside school.
Full uniform is as follows:
Boys: |
Girls: |
Grey trousers |
Grey pinafore or skirt |
Maroon V-neck sweatshirt |
White blouse |
White shirt |
School tie |
School tie |
White socks or grey tights |
Grey Socks |
Black Shoes |
We believe in equality of opportunity for all our children and the wearing of grey trousers is as acceptable by girls as it is by boys. Black shoes complete the uniform and we would advise that. Shoes with low or medium heels are safer in the playground.
Summer dresses are normally available during the third term. These are an alternative to the normal school uniform.
Items of clothing bearing controversial logos and emblems should not be worn, including during PE, at clubs, when representing the school on visits and on journeys to and from school.
The school greatly appreciates the support of parents in labelling items of uniform with their child’s name, with keeping the uniform clean and by encouraging their children to wear it every day.
Items of uniform are available for purchasing through Mrs Bowman, the school secretary.
Loanends Primary School, 193 Seven Mile Straight, Nutts Corner, Crumlin, Co. Antrim BT29 4YR
Telephone: 028 9443 2314